david kei
posted @ 2010年8月30日 04:12
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, 1630 阅读
这是基本在"Linux Application Development"(Linux应用程序开发)中提到的基本书,有关于c语言的,也有关于linux下面高级编程的。特此记录在这里,以提醒自己时常翻阅。
(1)"The C Programming Language" 第二版 1988
(2)"Practical C Programming" 1993
(3)"Programming with GNU Software" 1997
(4)"Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" 1992
(5)"UNIX Network Programming" 2004
(6)"A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux 8" 2002
(7)"Linux in a Nutshell" 2003
(8)"Linux Device Drivers" 2003
2022年9月29日 05:55
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has provided the KVS 7th Class Model Paper 2023 to all regional students studying at all states and union territories of the country, and the Upper primary education STD-7 sample model paper has provided with an important question to both medium student at their regional language of the school. KVS 7th Class Model Paper The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has provided the KVS 7th Class Model Paper 2023 to all regional students studying at all states and union territories of the country, and the Upper primary education STD-7 sample model paper has provided with an important question to both medium student at their regional language of the school.
2022年12月09日 03:09
If you're interested in learning about linux development, there are plenty of great books out there to help you get started. popular titles hip joint pain include "The Linux Programming Interface" by Michael Kerrisk and "Understanding the Linux Kernel" by Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati. These books will give you a solid foundation in linux development and help you to understand how the kernel works.
2023年4月15日 21:08
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