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david kei posted @ 2010年8月05日 17:56 in Log with tags python 乱码 , 1526 阅读


python确实比较方便啊,不过十几二十行的代码而已,要是这个程序用c 或者java写的话……

# -*- coding:gb2312 -*-
F = open('datafile')
s = F.readlines()
s = [c.rstrip() for c in s]
ls = [c.split('%') for c in s]
result  = []
for c in ls:
    del c[0]
    isLarge = False
    sTag = None
    nTag = None
    n = -1
    for i in c:
        n = n + 1
        if len(i) > 2:
            isLarge = True
            sTag = i[2:]
            c[n] = i[:2]
            nTag = n + 1
            #print sTag
            #print nTag
    c = ['0x' + p for p in c]
    c = [eval(p) for p in c]
    c = [chr(p) for p in c]
    if isLarge == True:
        c.insert(nTag, sTag)
    result.append(''.join(c) + '\n')
    #print c

F = open('myfile', 'w')
for i in result:
    print i
NCERT Term 1 Questio 说:
2022年9月28日 05:45

Every student who wants to get a high score in their Term-1 Examinations can download and practice NCERT Term-1 Sample Paper 2023 Class 2 and the question paper may include mostly short answer questions and objectives to bring out students’ abilities. NCERT Term 1 Question Paper Class 2 Class teachers and subject experts have suggested revision questions mock test questions along with IMP questions which have been repeatedly asked in previous question Papers.Every student who wants to get a high score in their Term-1 Examinations can download and practice NCERT Term-1 Sample Paper 2023 Class 2 and the question paper may include mostly short answer questions and objectives to bring out students’ abilities.

Alyssa 说:
2022年12月26日 01:09

There's something weird about garbled codes. They don't seem to follow any rules or patterns, and they're often hard to understand. Even experts have trouble diamond rings deciphering them. But that's part of their appeal. They're like puzzles, waiting to be solved. There are all sorts of theories about why garbled codes exist. Some believe they're intentional, while others think they're the result of errors. No one knows for sure. But one thing is certain: they're fascinating, and everyone wants to crack the code.

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